Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 10.6

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Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 10.6

Post by michka » 08 Jan 2012 00:55

Dear OpenLCA users,

I recently decided to learn OpenLCA, as I have to do the LCA of the product I am designing for my master project.

I was given by my school a copy of the Ecoinvent database already converted from Ecospold files through OpenLCA in MySQL files. I was told that I could simply copy this database folder in the "openlca-data" folder popping up in my home directory, and that OpenLCA will read the database, when connected to the MySQL local server. It did not work : I could copy the folder, but OpenLCA could not see the Processes.

When looking on this documentation website, I saw that the "openlca-data/data" folder was indeed containing the database when using Windows. I use Mac OS X 10.6 and wonder if the database is supposed to be stored somewhere else. I tried to create a mock process in the virgin database created from the MySQL connection in the left column of the sowtware, but could not retrieve it in the "openlca-data" folder. I could not find any "openlca-data/data" folder, even empty, and no "open-lca/.metadata" or "open-lca/export-templates" folder either, although I could see them on Windows screenshots that were provided to me.

Do you any idea how I can solve this problem ?

To summarize > I want to import an Ecoinvent database already imported once through OpenLCA from Ecospold format and converted in MySQL files. I have the folder ready, and would like to now where I have to copy it to have the database read by the software.

Thank you in advance for your answer,

Best regards, and happy 2012 to all of you,


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Re: Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 1

Post by aciroth » 08 Jan 2012 19:16

Hi Michka,
the somewhat brute method to simply copy the files is not really recommended; it works only when you are using the same operation system. If the database was created on Windows, you need to do the import again. (You need of course an ecoinvent licence, or your faculty, too).
So, probably you will need to do the import again. This, however, is not taking too long if you do not import all the system processes.
Hope this helps!

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Re: Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 1

Post by michka » 08 Jan 2012 21:05

Dear Andreas,

Thank you for your quick and efficient answer. I will try to get the Ecoinvent database in the proper format.

See you probably soon on the forum !


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Joined: 21 Nov 2012 11:56

Re: Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 1

Post by mickele84 » 21 Nov 2012 12:12

Dear all,

How should I export the ecoinvent database directly from Simapro ? Is there a documentation?

I have a six years old Simapro developer license.

Thank you in advance for your answer,


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Joined: 09 May 2010 23:28

Re: Importing Ecoinvent database in MySQL format, Mac OS X 1

Post by aciroth » 03 Dec 2012 02:25

Sorry for my late reply - server migrations..
The SimaPro export is providing a "dialect" of EcoSpold that cannot be imported into openLCA at present. However, you should then have also access to the orignal ecoinvent data, and these can be imported easily (as EcoSpold files). I am not sure though which version was available 6 years ago, therefore it may make sense to upgrade at least your ecoinvent licence:
Best wishes,

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