openLCA 1.6 installation

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openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by jemenOpenLCA » 06 Apr 2017 21:49

I have just installed the latest version of openLCA (openlca- and I cannot open any database, either previously installed or just downloaded. The software wants to update the format of the 1.5 database to the 1.6 format and this generates an error making the database unusable. I have at least six colleagues who have also run into this problem, either with the latest version or the previous one (openlca- Is this a problem with the software or with our computers? Can we fix this on our side?
Thank you,
Jean-Francois Menard
CIRAIG - Polytechnique Montreal

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by aciroth » 07 Apr 2017 17:50

Hello Jean-Francois,
sorry to hear that but I am not sure I fully understand; in release candidate versions of 1.6, there were errors thrown during the update, e.g. due to missing quality systems, but - according to our tests - these do not occur any more in 1.6.2. Which database(s) are you trying this with? Feel free to contact us directly.
Best wishes,

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by matjan » 12 Apr 2017 10:16

Hi Andreas,

I downloaded and installed openLCA version 1.6 this morning on my laptop (running Ubuntu). I ran into a seemingly similar problem as Jean-Francois, but only for converting and opening an ecoinvent 3.3 database that I had previously imported in openLCA version 1.5. I am actually able to open the database, but when I try to open a (random) process it gives an unexpected error.

I also converted and opened the ELCD database (downloaded from Nexus) and ecoinvent 3.1, without this problem. So, I am able to open processes in these converted databases. I can also do the impact assessment calculations of the product systems that were already part of these databases.
By the way, I do not run into problems when doing a new import of ecoinvent 3.3 into openLCA version 1.6.2. The processes open as they should, and I can create a product system and run it.

So for now, it seems that I am unable to use previously created ecoinvent 3.3 databases in openLCA version 1.6.2. I have saved the log file with the error description, but cannot attach it here (html file).

Best regards,
Matty Janssen

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by aciroth » 12 Apr 2017 11:10

Hi Matty,
well "your case" should be different (also, we are not really understanding the other case yet and have not heard back) - as one larger addition, we introduce data quality systems in 1.6. You can either post log files as text or code, or send it directly to us and we will check. You are using the nexus databases, correct?

- we have now also published an openLCA 1.6 version of ecoinvent on Nexus so that you do not need to do the update yourself (apart from own data of course)

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by jemenOpenLCA » 12 Apr 2017 20:33

Hi Andreas,
OK, here is what I did: I have first created a new completely referenced local database (test), then I have imported the freshly downloaded from Nexus ELCD 3.2 v2 DB for openLCA v1.5 and finally simply wanted to import the ELCD DB into my test DB. I am then informed that I need to update the source DB, to which I agree. I then get a number of "An unexpected error occurred" messages, I have been able to read at least three: #1 "failed to evaluate script", #2 "failed to import data quality systems and #3 "failed to import processes".
If I try to open directly the ELCD DB, I am ask to update the DB (update of categories in reference data and creation of data quality system to database schema v6) to which I agree. I then also get the "failed to evaluate script" error message.
How can I provide more details about theses errors?
Thank you, best regards,

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by aciroth » 12 Apr 2017 22:27

Thank you for the explanation. If you
- use openLCA 1.6.2
- download elcd_3_2_greendelta_v2.zolca from nexus
- import as new database
2017-04-12 22_18_21-openLCA 1.6.2.png
2017-04-12 22_18_21-openLCA 1.6.2.png (2.61 KiB) Viewed 16160 times
- start the update
it works without errors, the database is valid, and you can use the database.
2017-04-12 22_26_28-openLCA 1.6.2.png
2017-04-12 22_26_28-openLCA 1.6.2.png (12.75 KiB) Viewed 16160 times
We will upload a 1.6 version of the ELCD database so that you do not need to do the update yourself.
Best wishes,

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by liviaborgesc » 11 May 2017 00:21


I've trying to open my database in the version 1.6 of openLCA and i can't create a new process or edit my process. I've already tryed to validate my database but it's not working. What can i do to update my database?

Thank you!


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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by aciroth » 12 May 2017 16:19

This is linked to your other post, failed update. If the update fails, e.g. if the computer is shut down, you can try to delete the files in the "update" subfolder of the database (see screenshot below, for database "ausrepo"). Make a backup (export as zolca) of your database first. Then open again the database in openLCA, you will again be asked to update.
Hope this helps,
2017-05-12 16_06_17-updates.png
2017-05-12 16_06_17-updates.png (19.69 KiB) Viewed 16047 times

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by vgoust » 22 Nov 2017 17:10


Following the 2 problems mentioned by Livia and Jean-François, I ran into the same type of problem.

A few months ago I downloaded openLCA 1.5.0 and the matching version of ELCD 3.2 database. I added new processes to the DB for my work.

Today, I updated openLCA to 1.6.3, which went OK. But when I then tried to update the ELCD 3.2 DB, it failed. The update manager did not let me choose the settings to update to openLCA 1.6.3, it automatically checked the boxes "update to DB schema v5" (the schema for openLCA 1.5.0). Consequently, the update failed, and I could not open any object in the DB (I got a blank screen and a red cross).

Then, as Andreas suggested above, I backed up the DB, then deleted the files in the "update" subfolder, and tried to update again. It did not work.

Finally, I tried a 3rd strategy: I deleted the update files again, created a new empty DB (which worked), then imported my "old" ELCD DB in it. It started processing and then openLCA crashed.

How can I retrieve the data contained in my "old" version of the database, and update it to work in openLCA 1.6.3 ? There is no way I will re-model everything from scratch in a new, 1.6.3-compatible ELCD database...

Thanks in advance,

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Re: openLCA 1.6 installation

Post by aciroth » 23 Nov 2017 16:00

Hi Victoire,
well my hack with deletion of the update logs works when beta versions perform an update to a version step which is canged for the final release (e.g.: log says: updated to 1.6, but it is 1.6 beta, and different from final 1.6 - when this entry is removed, openLCA updates again to the full 1.6 which works). For your case, not sure what went wrong with the database update but you can of course restore the database from the backup and reopen with 1.5. If you take the archive version of openLCA, you can have several versions on one computer, you only can run/have open one version at a time.

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