Missing items in Flows

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Missing items in Flows

Post by Timpop » 01 Jun 2016 09:06

Hello, I am a new user in openLCA. I am facing problems. I have created new flows and add new child category in the flows. However, it doesn't show any information related to the flows. It works properly in the "Input/Output" pannel while I can do nothing to revise its category or delete needless flows.
See below screenshot of it:
Screenshot.jpg (630.86 KiB) Viewed 80869 times
Please note that I haven't made any changes to my settings.
I would really appreciate the help.
Thank you.

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by aciroth » 01 Jun 2016 11:08

Hi, not sure whether I understand your question - the category does not show any information on the flows in the category? What kind of information would you expect? Maybe it is good if you check the tutorials on the openLCA youtube channel, here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGiahq ... RXDVXuIi6w and especially this video about flows and processes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEosW6PceVg; more information is also available here: http://www.openlca.org/learnmore and http://www.openlca.org/manuals.
Thanks, Andreas

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by Timpop » 01 Jun 2016 12:35

Thanks, I mean items are not shown in the "Flows" floder. As shown in above screenshot, item titled "Petro-2013-CN" is shown in the "Processes" floder, why items titled "Mass_China", "ethylene", "Hydrocracking tail oil", "Light hydrocarbon" are not shown in the "Flows" floder in navigation window?

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by aciroth » 01 Jun 2016 16:10

Ah I understand - in some rare occasions, e.g. when you move flows with your mouse in the category tree using cut and paste and paste initially at a wrong location, e.g. into a process folder, the parent category for flows gets lost which means the flows lose their link to the top flow category and are not shown. Can you maybe tell, what did you do before with the flows in the database? How did you create the database?
Thank you,

- you can also contact me directly

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by Timpop » 02 Jun 2016 04:42

Thank you for your reply. I only created new flows in the "Flows" folder with right-click, I can name flow and define flow type and reference flow property. However, I can not see any flows items in the "Flows" folder. In "process tab contents", I can also choose created flows in spite of failing management in "Flows" floder.
Before created database, I have imported four databases titled "elcd_Import","needs_Import","usda_crop_data_1_1","bioenergiedat_Import",
which was download from your website. Flows are all hided in these databases. I don't know whether they has wrong format? I deleted all databases and created a new database, it still doesn't show. How can I do?

Thank you again!

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by aciroth » 03 Jun 2016 14:11

Hm, can you maybe type in the SQL editor:
select * from tbl_flows where name = 'ethylene'
and post the result here (or send me)? This will show the information for the flow not visible in the category tree.
Thank you,

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by Timpop » 03 Jun 2016 14:48

Well, I managed to contact you privately, but I failed to find your address. So the result is pasted following:

39378 55d6af0b-b0e3-46a6-a3cb-9c5cf711b565 ethylene 0 1464760385639 NULL org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedClob@53325181 PRODUCT_FLOW 0 NULL NULL 1120 NULL

Thank you very much!

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by msmika » 05 Jun 2016 23:11

Hi all!

I'm having problems with the flows too. I'm tryng to make a LCA of a product using "agribalyse_1_2" database. At the same time, I'm following the tutorial. But the problem appears when I go to "search providers for" there aren't providers for any flow. So I can't complete the model graph. What could I do? I would appreciate your help.

Best regards,
No providers found
Noproviders.JPG (68.64 KiB) Viewed 80834 times

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by aciroth » 06 Jun 2016 00:17

Hi Laura,
you do not find providers for products because the Agribalyse database consists mainly of agricultural processes, and does not contain processes which are providing e.g. heat from natural gas -> you can either try to create these on your own or add an additional database.

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Re: Missing items in Flows

Post by Leila » 01 Nov 2017 22:03

Hello everyone!

I just found this topic now, and I have the same problem as Laura. I would like to take the heat, water and chemical parameters into the input part, but I don't now how to create them on my own. Maybe with the global parameters?
I would really appreciate the help.
Thank you!

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