Importing Ecoinvent v2.2 Impact Methods

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Importing Ecoinvent v2.2 Impact Methods

Post by ealex » 12 Mar 2013 12:26

Dear all,

i am facing a small problem when importing Ecoinvent v2.2 Impact Methods in the new version of openLCA (v1.2.9).
I am using a mac and everything has been working pretty well so far: installation ok, mySQL running, and I have already succesfully imported the processes of ecoinvent (raw). When I repeat the same process to import the impact methods from ecoinvent v2.2 the "units assignement window" appears but the finish button is not active. I have noticed that not all assignments were filled out, so I manually filled out the "flow properties" as I thought to be "reasonable": using the unit "pieces" for unit-properties other than the ones listed by default, mass for all kg, volume for all m3 etc. Only after having done that the "finish" button became active and I could import the impact-methods.

1. Is this normal? Why isn't the assignment automatically filled out?
2. How can I be sure that I have made no mistake? Could someone maybe present the "correct" way to fill out the unit assignment, if indeed this is the only way to enable importing of impact-methods?

Thank you in advance,

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Re: Importing Ecoinvent v2.2 Impact Methods

Post by aciroth » 12 Mar 2013 15:23

Dear Evgenia,

the impact category units are not really needed in the calculation since they are just presented in results. We have therefore removed the assignment for them again in the newer beta versions (1.3) which are also on the sourceforge site (and will become the main versions after we have done some further tests).

1.: This is only in version 1.2.9, reason is that we there now capture all units equally (but as said, we now think this is not really useful and we will again suppress these "impact-category-only" units in newer versions, in the assignment).
2.: It is not too important as impact category units will not be converted in the calculation but if you have done it as you describe, this is correct.

Best wishes,

Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Mar 2013 11:50

Re: Importing Ecoinvent v2.2 Impact Methods

Post by ealex » 12 Mar 2013 15:32

Dear Andreas,
thank you for your quick reply!

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