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Installation in PC Pool: Oracle or Sqlite support

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 17:13
by dschien

I would like to install openLCA in a PC Pool for students to use.
My question: is it possible to use Sqlite or oracle instead of MySql?

These are options, I'm currently evaluating in order to have mulit-user support.

Any other experience/suggestions with installation in a PC pool?

Best regards,

Re: Installation in PC Pool: Oracle or Sqlite support

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 20:47
by aciroth
Hi Dan,

well we have developed an enterprise version for a client, with an Oracle database, but this is not publicly distributed. As you may have seen, we use eclipselink and I think we have a rather clean database interface, but another database is not available out of the box. Also, the public version does not have a real multi user support.

If you want to install in a PC pool, I would currently rather
- install openLCA on each client PC;
- on one of the PCs, run openLCA and create a database (named e.g. "tutorial_db");
- import the data you want to use into that database;
- the database will be located in [username]/openLCA-data/data/[databasename], so e.g. C:\Users\ac\openLCA-data\data\tutorial_db
- then, close openLCA
- you can then copy this database folder (here: the "tutorial_db" folder) into the respective folders of the other PCs (so, put it below e.g. C:\Users\[other user]\openLCA-data\data\)

Best wishes,

- we would be very interested to develop a truly multi user version of openLCA; if anybody sees a way to fund us there, let us please know!