Problems with using non-embedded MySQL server

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Problems with using non-embedded MySQL server

Post by Wingwe » 21 Jun 2011 17:43

Hello OpenLCA team,
We are trying to configure OpenLCA to work with a MySQL server that is installed independently on a PC (Windows 7). We see multiple advantanges to this including being able to point the MySQL data directory to the place of our choice, being able to access the data outside of OpenLCA, potentially working with the DB with outside applications, etc.
We are able to point OpenLCA to this new server and successful connect to it and create a new database. But we are having two problems with this:

1. Creating a new DB from a script (exported from an OpenLCA database on the embedded MySQL server) is not working (we don't get an error message but it is just creating a blank DB)

2. Trying to import a group of processes in Ecospold format is failing where it worked successfully on the embedded server version.

One potential difference between the databases we noted is that the independent MySQL server has a password for the root user; the embedded server does not have a password for the root user. But we don't know if this is related to the error. I can send the log file separately is this would be useful.

More details:
OpenLCA 1.2.1 32bit
Independent MySQL server: MySQL Community Server v5.55, 32-bit version
Windows 7 OS.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. Wes Ingwersen, EPA ORD

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Joined: 09 May 2010 23:28

Re: Problems with using non-embedded MySQL server

Post by aciroth » 27 Jun 2011 01:16

Hi Wes,

interesting - I understand the benefits from using a non-embedded, central server; however, we did not configure and test the present public openLCA version for this. Especially a user rights management system is lacking but can of course be added. You can maybe do this on your own, it should not be too complicated, and let's exchange then about the progress.

I am not sure whether I understand the two points in your post ->
1. Creating a new DB from a script (exported from an OpenLCA database on the embedded MySQL server)
How did you create the script? In the public version, you can simply copy the folder with the database name and paste it to the new location.
2. Trying to import a group of processes in Ecospold format is failing
if you try to import the processes into the database that wasn't created correctly then an import of processes cannot work. Therefore I would try to solve point 1 first. Let me know how it works!

Best wishes,

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