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Interpreting Results for Cork Forestry (and Negative Values in General)

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 20:05
by ethansoloviev

I calculated results for Cork Forestry from EcoInvent 3.3 Consequential Long-Term, using Recipe Endpoint-H, Normalization & Weighting World H/A (person/year).

Looking at the totals for Human Health or Resources or Ecosystems in the Contribution Tree shows negative values (which I interpret as positive impact) from 'Market for Cleft Timber'. Further down in the tree, there are negative values for 'Market for Diesel', 'Market for Power Sawing', 'Market for Skidder', etc.

What does this mean? How can these processes contribute positive impact?

Looking at the Flow Contributions, it appears that the negative values / positive impacts come from many different flows (Including Carbon Dioxide & Nitrogen Oxide emission to air, Oil and Coal in Ground, transformation of land to tropical rainforest (?))... but I cannot easily understand how the processes that contribute to 'Cork Forestry' produce these positive impacts.

Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can offer,